Please view and make sure you understand and are prepared to adhere to the Mandir rules and regulations below. Please remember that many people use the Mandir and thank you for your understanding.
Temple Basement Rules
Devotees must reserve basement and other Temple facilities by contacting Nilesh Sheth (316 619 2754) or visiting for details.
A donation of $100 payable to HTGW will be applicable for using Temple Basement. Additional $25 will be charged for using audio system.
No flyers are allowed on walls or doors. Event fliers on the board must be removed after the event by sponsors.
All tables and chairs can be used as needed (basement area only) and must be kept back after use.
Floor must be swept and mopped after use.
Trash bags should be tied up and taken to the outside dumpsters before leaving the premises.
Devotees are responsible for bringing all necessary paper products including plates,cups, utensils, napkins and table covers.
Paper products in the kitchen are not to be used except in case of emergency. Any items utilized from kitchen must be replaced in a timely manner.
Devotees can use pots, pans, and other utensils located in the kitchen. All items must be washed, dried and returned to the cabinet.
If stove is used, utilize the exhaust fan and make sure to turn-off the stove after use.
No food items containing meat are allowed in the Temple premises.
No alcohol or smoking is allowed in the Temple premises.
Any event in the basement should be done and all devotees should leave the premises by 8:00pm, if there is no executive member/ volunteer is present for the event.
Any event in the basement should be done and all devotees should leave the premises by 10:00pm, if executive member/ volunteer is present for the event.
All doors should be closed and security system should be turned on by the executive members before leaving.
Please respect our Temple and keep it in as good and hygienic condition as you found it in.
If you notice something unusual in the Temple area, please let the Priest or volunteers know in person or call them. Phone numbers are provided on the Temple website or on the front board.
If any of the Temple property is damaged or not cleaned, sponsor is liable to pay fine $100 or more.